Monday, 5 October 2015


 The Present world mostly consists of hedonistic generations grown on the lines of consumerism. The 'Body' has become dominant and people are competing with each other to come closer and closer to the market-induced definition of "Beauty" whose transient nature is often forgotten. Directly or Indirectly, Knowingly or unknowingly, we are spending most time on our Gender identification, neglecting our mental and spiritual capabilities. We flaunt our distinguishing manly or womanly assets and be presentable to the opposite sex and to the world. We accentuate our bodily attributes whichever we feel suffices to be called "beautiful" by the worldly eyes and has potential to gain admiration.
In this berserk race, we have forgotten that we are human beings first, we are a spiritual body foremost and not a physical one. Body is just a temporary physical manifestation and abode of the soul. It is just an outer cover for identification.We all bleed the same.God made us different in terms of colour, height or other physical attribute so that we could be recognised among each other and God imparted Gender Division just for continuation of species and natural division of labour, not to get obsessed with it. There are only certain moments in our life when our gender roles and identification become necessary. You do not have to wear your sex on your sleeves all the time. The small physiological difference was necessary to efficiently run the cycle of life. But we have made this difference so wide, just in our minds. Our cultures have become such that there is excessive polarization of femininity and masculinity both in terms of physical attributes and internal traits. These are promoted as extreme, limited and rigid stereotypes rather than all-encompassing aspects of human potential. If you identify yourself with few distinguishing body parts, you perceive everything that way, you look everything around by that attitude and in turn you get treated that way. In reality, masculinity and femininity are interrelated aspects of one thing in continuum.
Break the shackles of gender-obsession if you want to be 'free'. Your Gender and sexuality is needed only when there are specific natural gender roles. Rest of the time, you are neither a man nor a woman, you are a soul, you are an energy. Physical body is not the ultimate boundary, Death is not the ultimate end. There is something beyond the physiological life process that is keeping you alive. To grow beyond the physical, you first need to grow beyond the gender.

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